4th International Forum on Additive Manufacturing



Additive manufacturing is now globally recognised as a mainstream manufacturing technology in a range of industries such as aerospace, automotive, defense and medical. Compared to more traditional subtractive technologies, additive manufacturing offers greater advantages for part complexity, material utilisation and environmental impact. Fully functional parts or products, with many different components, are able to be produced simultaneously and on demand, thereby reducing the cost of production and dramatically accelerating the time it takes to take a product to market.

The 4th International Forum on Additive Manufacturing was held as a one day virtual conference highlighting recent developments in additive manufacturing locally and globally in the context of defense, aerospace and medical applications.

Click here to view the recordings.

Program outline

Image: Courtesy of the Center for Additive Manufacturing (RMIT University)

SEAM is proud to support the 4th International Forum on Additive Manufacturing. 


Chair: Milan Brandt (RMIT) Co-Chairs: Andrey Molotnikov, Alex Kingsbury, Martin Leary, Ma Qian and Joe Elambasseril (RMIT)


09 September 2020

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