EN413, Swinburne Uni, Hawthorn

Advanced Mechanical Property Testing at the Nanoscale


High speed, high density precision nanoindentation

Coherent Scientific and the ARC Training Centre Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials (SEAM) at Swinburne invite you to join us for an engaging presentation by Dr Douglas Stauffer, Manager for Applications Development at Bruker/Hysitron.

Morning tea will be provided at 11am following the seminar.

In this seminar Dr Stauffer will discuss the latest developments for precision nanomechanical testing and nanoscale tribology, including the capability for the newest generation of high speed techniques for high density visualisation of mechanical property distribution under a wide range of conditions from cryogenic temperature to 1000oC, under high humidity, under vacuum environments, with electrically and mechanically stimulated samples and under liquid environments.

Douglas Stauffer, Ph.D. is the Senior Manager for Applications Development for the Hysitron product lines at Bruker Nano, Inc. Douglas manages the internal testing laboratory, engages in collaborations, and assists with sales-related activities with respect to nanomechanical testing techniques.

His current research focus is on developing new techniques for understanding structure and processing relationships with regard to nanomechanical performance. These techniques include in and ex-situ testing and the development of in operando type experiments, to gain insight into the role that plasticity and fracture play in the varying failure regimes under operating conditions.

Douglas received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Minnesota in 2011. He then joined the R&D department as a Senior Staff Scientist working in instrumentation and applications at Hysitron. Hysitron was acquired by Bruker Nano in January 2017


Douglas Stauffer, Ph.D.


29 November 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 am (GMT+11)
Convert to Local Time


EN413, Swinburne Uni, Hawthorn

Lecture Theatre EN413
EN Building, Swinburne University, Hawthorn (Serpells Ln)

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