EN715, Swinburne University, Hawthorn

s-SNOM technology and applications for nanoscale analytics


Dr. Adrian Cernescu is an experienced Application Engineer from neaspec – attocube systems AG, supporting and advising scientists to use and apply neaspec-attocube instruments for optical and bio(chemical) characterization of nanomaterials.

His research and experience with near-field optical applications started in 2012 during his post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Fritz Keilmann, one of the pioneers of near-field optics, at the Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich.

Having a PhD in Physical Chemistry and a Master degree in Biophysics, Adrian has a broad interest in materials & applied science where nanoscale optical and chemical analysis provides unmatched insights for research and industrial innovation.


Scattering-type Scanning Near-field Optical Microscopy (s-SNOM) is a scanning probe approach to optical microscopy and spectroscopy bypassing the ubiquitous diffraction limit of light to achieve a spatial resolution below 10 nanometer. s-SNOM employs the strong confinement of light at the apex of a sharp metallic AFM tip to create a nanoscale optical hot-spot. Analyzing the scattered light from the tip enables the extraction of the optical properties (absorption, reflectivity) of the sample directly below the tip and yields nanoscale images simultaneous to mechanical properties.

In addition to near-field microscopy the technology has been advanced to enable hyperspectral, nanoscale Fourier-transform spectroscopy (nano-FTIR) and also nanoscale ultrafast pump probe capabilities in a broad spectral range, from visible to Mid-IR and THz.

Equipping s-SNOM systems with cw light sources, near-field imaging can be performed at time scales of 30-300s per image. Use of material-selective frequencies in the mid-IR spectral range can be exploited to image polariton propagation in 2D materials, fully characterize thin films, polymer blends or phase change materials with nanometer-scale domains. Quantification of free-carrier concentration and carrier mobility in doped semiconductor nanowires, or study phase propagation mechanisms in energy storage materials is achieved by amplitude- and phase-resolved near-field optical imaging.


Book tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/s-snom-technology-and-applications-for-nanoscale-analytics-tickets-853274796887?aff=oddtdtcreator


Dr. Adrian Cernescu, attocube systems AG, Munich, Germany


06 March 2024


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm (GMT+11)
Convert to Local Time


EN715, Swinburne University, Hawthorn

Room: EN715, Level 7, EN Building: Serpells Lane, Hawthorn
or online: https://arcse.am/ssnomzoom

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/s-snom-technology-and-applications-for-nanoscale-analytics-tickets-853274796887?aff=oddtdtcreator


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