Dr. Samuel Pinches is currently engaged as a postdoctoral researcher with the Surface Engineering in Advanced Materials (SEAM) team. With a passion for all things in material science, he is working across a range of projects, on everything from (A)dditive-manufacturing to (Z)eta potentials.
In this masterclass, Samuel will be providing a beginner’s introduction to using SolidWorks. Come and see how easy it can be transforming your ideas into digital 3D files, that can then be 3D printed or otherwise manufactured.
You are recommended to install SolidWorks on your laptop before you come, so you can follow along with us!
Join us in Room EN515, EN Building (Serpells Lane, Swinburne Hawthorn Campus) or via Zoom: https://swinburne.zoom.us/j/86867530240
Dr Samuel Pinches
08 May 2024
11:00 am - 12:00 pm (GMT+10)
Convert to Local Time
EN515, EN Building, Swinburne University, Hawthorn | https://swinburne.zoom.us/j/86867530240 Room EN515, EN Building, Serpells Lane, Swinburne University, Hawthorn Campus or on Zoom: https://swinburne.zoom.us/j/86867530240