
Webinar: ‘Challenges in Powder Production for Additive Manufacturing, Laser Cladding and Thermal Spraying’


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In recent years an upsurge in interest for fine, spherical, metallic powders can be observed. This is mainly driven by an increased demand in powders for Additive Manufacturing and coating processes including selective laser melting and laser metal deposition, cold spraying and other thermal spray techniques. Properties and quality of a powder feedstock material is a major influencing factor for the properties and quality of the part/coating produced with it.

In this webinar presentation seminar Christiane introduced the different production methods for metallic powders with a focus on the different atomizing processes. She explained how the atomizing technique, the atomizing medium (e.g. water vs. gas), the alloy and its inherent material properties influence the achievable particle size and morphology of the resultant powder. Another aspect lies on the economy of powder production and how the costs of powder feedstock can be reduced by widening the powder specification without sacrificing quality of the final product.


Dr Christiane Schulz is a surface engineer, with experience in both, industry and academia. She graduated with a Master in mechanical engineering and a specialization in product engineering/materials science at the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2007 and holds a PhD degree from RWTH Aachen University, Germany. There she focused on the development of wear and corrosion resistant thermal spray coatings in several industry-led projects. In 2014 she moved on to work for industry as a product manager for the powder manufacturer Castolin Eutectic. In this role she was responsible for the development, implementation and quality control of coating products, especially metallic powder feedstock produced via gas and water atomization. Christiane is now a Senior Research fellow at the University of South Australia, a certified materials professional (CMatP), a committee member of the SA branch of the Australasian Corrosion Association and a Chief Investigator with the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Training Center, in Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials (SEAM).

Email seam@swinburne.edu.au for questions. 


Dr Christiane Schulz (University of South Australia, and SEAM, Swinburne)


28 October 2020

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